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The Feeling You Can't Shake

Posted on February 28, 2023

Have you ever felt lonely? Of course. We all have. Even those who surround themselves with people often feel disconnected and as a result, lonely. Loneliness is a common feeling, and studies have shown that it has led to depression, paranoia, schizophrenia, rape, suicide, mass murder, and other problems. The truth is, anyone at any stage of life can suffer from the dreaded scourge of loneliness. 


Perhaps you’re a lonely single—you’ve tried time and time again to find your life’s mate, but have found yourself all alone. Maybe you’re a lonely spouse—despite the fact that you’re married, you don’t feel close at all to your mate. Perhaps you’ve lost your spouse, and loneliness creeps in every time you think of your loved one. Maybe you’re an elderly individual who feels neglected—nursing homes and assisted care facilities are often full of lonely people. Could it be that you’re suffering a physical ailment, and this has also brought loneliness with it? Finally, you might be a faithful servant of God, serving in some ministry, but you feel alone. 


If you fit into one of these categories, you’re not alone! Let me remind you that there were some Bible characters who experienced loneliness. David faced loneliness (see Psa. 102:3,6-7, 142:4). There were times when he had to run and hide, and he felt that the whole world was against him. Jeremiah suffered the anguish of loneliness. Despite his preaching, no one listened to him. In fact, they put him in a pit (Jer. 38:6). Even the Apostle Paul experienced loneliness, no doubt especially during those times he was in prison. He admitted this loneliness shortly before his death (see II Tim. 4:9-11, 16). 


If you’re feeling lonely today, the first thing to do is acknowledge your loneliness. Denial will only enhance your loneliness. Loneliness is a real and painful feeling. It is not a reflection of weakness as a Christian. With that being said, let me ask, How is your relationship with God? You see, you have a hole in your heart that only God can fill. If you’ve never receive Jesus as your Savior, that’s where you need to start. Your relationship with God can go a long way at defeating your loneliness. 


But God has also created us as social creatures. We need companionship, whether that be through marriage or friendships. This is one of the reasons for the church! The biblical term is fellowship. I John 1:7 says, “But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another…” In his book Slaying the Giants in Your Life, Dr. David Jeremiah says this concerning loneliness: “Most of the books of the New Testament are written to whole congregations. And every time the word saint appears, it’s always in the plural because the concept of ‘Christian individualism’ is an oxymoron; it’s foreign to biblical Christianity. We are incomplete without the unity of believers serving one another through their particular gifts.”  


This means that we should never be lonely because we always have Jesus and the church. You can spend time with Jesus any time you open up the Bible. You can pray and talk with Him at any time of the day or night. And the church is there for support and edification (make sure you’re a member of a good Bible-preaching church!). Now don’t get me wrong, you will probably still experience the feeling of loneliness, but that doesn’t mean you have to live with that feeling. 


If you struggle with loneliness, take the time to memorize these Scriptures: 


“When my father and my mother forsake me, then the LORD will take me up” (Psa. 27:10). 


“Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. So that we may boldly say, The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do unto me” (Heb. 13:5-6). 


The devil wants you to feel lonely and helpless, but that’s not true. You always have God (He has promised to always be there for you), and you should also have a good church family. When you’re feeling lonely, go to God, or reach out to your church family for support and encouragement. These are the means that God has given us so that we never have to live in a state of loneliness. Remember: you’re never alone! 

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